2025 Army Ten-Miler Race Registration is NOW OPEN! | ATM Virtual Race Registration is NOW OPEN!
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Race Headquarters Hotel: Crystal Gateway Marriott 

Crystal Gateway Marriott
1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA. 22202
(Entrance at Eads & 15th Streets)
+1(703) 920-3230 

The hotel is conveniently located...

  • Less than two miles from Reagan National Airport and offers a free airport shuttle +1(703) 920-3230 .
  • A short 15-minute warm-up walk to the start line at the Pentagon. (Marriott does not provide a runner shuttle to the Pentagon.)
  • Just minutes from downtown Washington, D.C., Arlington National Cemetery, 9/11 Memorial, Fashion Centre at Pentagon City, and numerous restaurants.

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The Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA will serve as the Race HQ hotel. A special room rate is available to runners. The hotel is conveniently located on the Metro, near Reagan National Airport, near restaurants and shopping, and is within walking distance of the Pentagon. 


Parking & Metro


Crystal Gateway Marriott offers underground parking. Check with the hotel for pricing and other details. Additionally, parking at the Crystal City Shops is free on weekdays after 4:30 p.m. and all day on weekends.


The hotel is conveniently located near the Crystal City Metro Station on the Blue and Yellow lines. You can walk to the hotel via an underground shopping area.

View Driving Directions


Use Trip Planner function at www.wmata.com to plan your trip to Pentagon City Metro Station.  Metro will open at 8:00 a.m., there will not be an early opening.

Racing on Road

About The Area

Explore the nearby area of the race.

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WMATA (Metrorail and bus)

Learn Metro weekend hours and plan your trip to Pentagon City using the Trip Planner function at www.wmata.com. Or, follow WMATA on Twitter @Metrorailinfo or @Metrobusinfo or @wmata.

Rideshare and Ridehail services

If you travel by Lyft, Uber or taxi, have your driver drop you off at the intersection of 12th and South Hayes Streets in Arlington, VA. (Directly in front of Fashion Centre at Pentagon City.)

Capital Bikeshare

Capital Bikeshare has numerous stations in Pentagon and Crystal City. Visit www.capitalbikeshare.com for more information on station locations and rider information.

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