2025 Army Ten-Miler Race Registration is NOW OPEN! | ATM Virtual Race Registration is NOW OPEN!
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Race Day

Wave Start 

Race Day - October 12, 2025 - Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

Runners are seeded and assigned a wave start seeding area according to their projected finish time. Participants must pass through a security access point to get to their assigned seeding area, and each runner must have an official Army Ten-Miler (ATM) race bib to access the start line.

Each wave start seeding area is marked with colored balloon arches. Runners will line-up behind the balloon arch that matches their bib color.

The following is reprinted with permission from USA Track & Field, Inc., (www.usatf.org):

“A wave start is a device intended to reduce the finish line density by spreading the finishing runners out over a longer time. The wave start employs a single starting line but multiple starting times, i.e., the field is divided into groups and each group is started at a different time. The first group to start consists of the fastest runners and each succeeding group's projected finish time is slower than that of the previous group. Runners are assigned a group with a specific starting order. The primary timing system is synchronized with the first group/wave to start and actual running times for each individual are determined by subtracting the starting lag for his/her group from his/her finishing time."

Arrival/Race Start 

Wave Start Corral Access

  • Runners in waves 1-2 can access their waves between 6:20 a.m. and 6:45 a.m.
  • Runners in waves 3-10 can start accessing their waves between 7:10 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
  • All Runners proceed to the access control point and start wave corrals. Volunteers will guide you along.

Rules for Switching Waves 

A runner may move back to a slower wave but not forward to a faster wave. Slower runners in a faster wave can cause congestion and increase the likelihood of injury to themselves and other runners. Participants who switch to a faster wave are subject to disqualification.

Please notify a start line monitor if you see a participant running in a faster wave than what their bib color indicates.



The ATM uses the IPICO system to time and score runners. It begins timing your race the instant you cross the start line. So don’t worry if it takes you several minutes to reach the start — those extra minutes won’t be counted towards your official race time.

To ensure timing accuracy, please make sure your race bib…

  • Is clearly visible on the front of your torso
  • Is unaltered and unmodified (Do not fold or wrinkle.)
  • Is pinned in all four corners
  • Is not covered (with jackets, runner belts, water bottles, etc.)

To be eligible to receive an official race time and results, runners must…

  • Cross the “start”, “10K” and “finish” timing mats
  • Maintain a 15-minute-mile pace or better
  • Complete the entire course
  • Finish the race within two hours, 30 minutes  


No duplication of awards. Gun time is used to determine the overall winners, masters, active duty military, push rim and hand-cycle athletes, and Wounded Warriors. The age group winners are determined by net time.

Awards will be given to the top males and females in the following divisions:

  • Overall (Top 3)
  • Top Masters (Top 1)
  • U.S. Active Duty Military (Top 3)
  • 10-year Age Groups (top 3 in each category) / 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80+
  • Wheelchair (Top 1 in each category) / Pushrim, Handcrank , Recumbent
  • Wounded Warriors (Top 1 in each category)  / Visually-Impaired, Amputee, Disabled Athlete

Top Awards Ceremony

The U.S. Army Military District of Washington (MDW) Commanding General will present awards to the best of the best of the ATM at the Awards Stage, which is located in the Pentagon North Lot near the free event shuttle stop.

Other Individual Awards

Individual results (top 1,000 m/f) will be posted by 10 a.m., and team results (top three in each division) will be posted by 11 a.m. on the results board by the awards stage. No awards will be mailed out. All individual and team results will be posted online by 3 p.m. (EST) on race day. Runner Results are presented by General Dynamics.

Finisher Coins

The Army tradition is to award a challenge coin for excellence and achievement. The ATM challege coin is given to all finishers to recognize their excellence and achievement.


Individual Divisions Eligibility

Age Policy

Age (as of ATM In-Person race day) determines the division you will compete in. You must be at least 15 years old on race day in order to run in the ATM. Runners under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian's permission. No exceptions. There is no age restriction for ATM Virtual Edition, minor-aged runners must obtain permission from a parent or legal guardian to register. 

Wounded Warrior Division

This category includes visually impaired, amputee and disabled athletes who are Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, Veterans or Retired U.S. Service Members. Athletes in this division will start at 7:50 a.m.

Wheelchair Division

This division includes both civilians and U.S. Service Members. Participants will choose one of the following categories in which to compete:

  • push rims (standard racing chairs)
  • recumbent-cycle (propelled using feet/lower body)
  • hand-cycle (propelled using arms/upper body)

Only participants with an ADA disability may use a recumbent-cycle.

All Wheelchair Athletes must have a flag and a reflective strip attached to their chairs.

Athletes in this division will start at 7:50 AM.

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