Runners must check all personal items at the Clement Nedd Garment Check Zone.
Sunday, October 12, 2025 from 6 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Pentagon Metro Station, lower bus terminal
The ATM is not responsible for any lost, broken or stolen items.
PROHIBITED items on the race course:
AUTHORIZED items on the race course:
PROHIBITED items at the Pentagon:
AUTHORIZED ITEMS at the Pentagon:
The ATM’s garment check zone was named after Clement Nedd, who worked for the Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for 30+ years. He played an integral role in securing approval for the ATM to use the Pentagon Metro’s lower bus terminal as a garment check for race participants. Clement Nedd passed away in 2008, and the zone bears his name in honor of his memory, professionalism and dedication.
Race Day Countdown –